
Freight Management Holdings Bhd ("FMH") (i) proposed bonus issue of 36,514,286 new ordinary shares of RM0.50 each in FMH ("Bonus Shares") On the Basis of 3 bonus shares for Every 7 Existing Ordinary shares of RM0.50 Each In FMH ("Shares" Or "FMH Shares") Held By the Shareholders of FMH ("Proposed Bonus Issue"); (ii) proposed transfer of the listing of and Quotation For the Entire enlarged issued and paid-up share capital of FMH From the Second board to the Main Board of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad Upon Completion of the proposed bonus Issue ("Proposed Transfer Listing"); and (iii) proposed placement of up to 12,171,428 New FMH Shares ("Placement Shares"), Representing Up To 10% of the Enlarged Issued and Paid-up Share Capital Of FMH ("Proposed Placement"). (The Proposed Bonus Issue, Proposed Transfer Listing And Proposed Placement Shall Be Collectively Known As The "Proposals").

BackNov 05, 2007
General Announcement
Reference No MI-071105-64133

Submitting Merchant Bank
Company Name
Stock Name
Date Announced

Type : Announcement

(i) Proposed bonus issue of 36,514,286 new ordinary shares of RM0.50 each in FMH ("Bonus Shares") on the basis of 3 Bonus Shares for every 7 existing ordinary shares of RM0.50 each in FMH ("Shares" or "FMH Shares") held by the shareholders of FMH ("Proposed Bonus Issue");

(ii) Proposed transfer of the listing of and quotation for the entire enlarged issued and paid-up share capital of FMH from the Second Board to the Main Board of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad upon completion of the Proposed Bonus Issue ("Proposed Transfer Listing"); and

(iii) Proposed placement of up to 12,171,428 new FMH Shares ("Placement Shares"), representing up to 10% of the enlarged issued and paid-up share capital of FMH ("Proposed Placement").

(The Proposed Bonus Issue, Proposed Transfer Listing and Proposed Placement shall be collectively known as the "Proposals").

Contents :

Further to the announcements dated 11 September 2007 and 17 October 2007 in respect of the Proposals, on behalf of the Board of Directors of FMH, RHB Investment Bank Berhad wishes to announce that Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad ("Bursa Securities") has vide its letter dated 2 November 2007 (received on 5 November 2007) approved the listing and quotation of 36,514,286 Bonus Shares pursuant to the Proposed Bonus Issue.

The Proposed Transfer Listing is still subject to the approval of Bursa Securities while the Proposed Placement is subject to the approval of Bursa Securities for the listing of and quotation for the Placement Shares.

This announcement is dated 5 November 2007.