
Article Entitled : "Freight Management Sets Profit Target"

BackJan 31, 2007
General Announcement
Reference No CM-070131-61094

Company Name
Stock Name
Date Announced

Type : Reply to query
Reply to Bursa Malaysia's Query Letter -Reference ID : MM-070125-37122
Subject : ARTICLE ENTITLED : "Freight Management sets profit target"

Contents :

With reference to our reply on 26 January 2007 in connection with your query on 25 January 2007, the Company wishes to give further clarification as follows :-

The budget was based on annual targets set for each subsidiary in the Group. Internally, the Management expects each subsidiary to target a 15% growth in the internal budget. This target is based on the performance trend for the past two years; which the Group had reported a year on year growth of 16% in the financial year 2006 and 14% in the financial year 2005.

From the performance of Quarter 1 for the year ending 30 June 2007 the Group had achieved a profit after tax growth of 20%. The Management is confident that the targeted growth is achievable.

We wish to confirm that the bases and assumptions in deriving the revenue and profit targets are based on management estimates and have not been reviewed by the external auditors.

Query Letter content :
We refer to the above news articles appearing in The New Sraits Times, Business
Times section, page 44, Thursday, 25 January 2007, a copy of which is enclosed
for your reference.
In particular, we would like to draw your attention to the underlined sentence,
which is reproduced as follows:-
"FREIGHT Management Holdings Bhd expects net profit to grow by 12-15 per cent
for the current financial year..."
In accordance with the Exchange's Corporate Disclosure Policy, you are
requested to furnish the Exchange with an announcement for public release
confirming or denying the above reported article and in particular the
underlined sentence after due and diligent enquiry with all the directors,
major shareholders and all such other persons reasonably familiar with the
matters about which the disclosure is to be made in this respect. In the event
you deny the above sentence or any other part of the above reported article,
you are required to set forth facts sufficient to clarify any misleading
aspects of the same. In the event you confirm the above sentence or any other
part of the above reported article, you are required to set forth facts
sufficient to support the same, including the relevant bases and assumptions in
arriving at the above forecast.
Please furnish the Exchange with your reply within one (1) market day from the
date hereof.
Yours faithfully

Head, Issuers
Listing Division
Group Regulations
c.c. Chung Tin Fah, Securities Commission (via fax)